Pistell Rhaeadr

Corin drove us to Wales so that I could see the waterfall.

The SAT NAV took us on a decidedly hairy route for the last 10 miles - roads barely wide enough for a car.  

However, the waterfall was spectacular, both to look at and to listen to.
We walked to the top, via the stepped route - equivalent to 85 flights of stairs!  When we were almost at the top, we realised that there had been a slightly more user friendly route.  Nothing good is ever easy!  I have added a couple of extra pics (when did that feature become available?!?!?!)

The journey down was easier.

The tea at the cafe was well received and it would have been the perfect ending to the jaunt, if it hadn't been for a family who left a lot to the imagination in terms of manners and consideration for others.  The father decided to reverse his backside into my face whilst stepping back to take a look at the menu on the wall.  One of his 4 children decided that opening and slamming shut the door to the cafe was fun.  One of the other children was climbing and balancing on the pedal bin by the counter and a third child kept ringing the little handbell on the counter, until one of the ladies came and curtly said "I'll take that, thank you".  I have never drunk a brew so quickly, but the teacher in me was rapidly losing patience and Corin could sense that I probably wouldn't countenance much more... so we left!

Back via a non hairy route (bloody sat nav).  Observed much stupidity from 2 motorcyclists, overtaking on bends and general behaving like people who had no respect for the road, other people on it or themselves.  Stopped for coffee and cake on the way back and observed a particularly entertaining gentleman (owner of a roadside cafe near Oswestry).  His belt was of no use to him, he looked decidedly drunk and then, when we thought he couldn't get any more daft, he got some ladders out and climbed up to retrieve the flags and poles from the roof of the cafe.

It's been a great people watching day!!!

Yay for 4 day weeks.

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