Schadenfreude Car Wars
"Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. This word is taken from German and literally means "harm-joy". It is the feeling of joy or pleasure when one sees another fail or suffer misfortune."
- Wikipedia
Quick jaunt to Ortakoy, Istanbul for a couple of hours after school for some of this and that shopping and a little candid street photography. This is probably the worst photo that I took but I decided is the best choice for my journal today. Traffic in Istanbul is an absolute nightmare and the arrogance of drivers who think they can park anywhere they want whenever they want, for as long as they want, regardless of inconvenience or danger to others, is really, really annoying so, when the municipal lorry came along and lifted an illegally parked car clean off the ground and carried it away in under a minute, well, quite a lot of us watched so gleefully, I almost forgot to whip out the FZ200.
Apologies for pun link of Car Wars to today's mono monday theme of Star Wars on this May the Fourth be with you on "International Star Wars" day, hosted by yvonnekgray. See my 'also ran' photo in 'extras' - was torn between the two photos for the duration of two episodes of "Blue Bloods" on TV.
For the record: hot and sunny and hot with sun in all places especially the hot ones. Tonight the moon is 99.9% full and sparkling in the Istanbul blueblack inky sky.
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