Thank you

Ellaphant for coming all the way up to Amsterdam the first day of my arrival here. We had such a wonderful Blipmeet, four hours and a delightful dinnertime were too short for all the things we had to tell each other!
I am sitting here in my hotelroom now, enjoying the wonderful chocolate that she brought me and am digesting some of the things I saw. In the extrapics I will put today: the two of us reflected in the window of an old shoemakers shop,  the view that you get, when you step out of the central station and the houses hidden by the fresh green of the leaf trees , as well as the orange little flags hanging from the trees and houses. Orange is the color of the royal house and as on April 27 one celebrated the birthday of King Willem Alexander and as today was the remembrance of all the victims of the second world war (which is why the Dutch flag is on half mast in the pic with the trees) the patriotic street decorations had just stayed in place. 

About 32 hours with no sleep to speak of, I am knackered now. Will postpone commenting until tomorrow. Thank you for your patience!

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