Monday morning mooovers...

Yesterday's rain ,rain has gone to Spain. But according to the forecast,tomorrow it will be back again.
Spent the day catching up on cattle work. Tagged some wee calves and moved them to another field. Then took these heifers that were PD'd on Friday out to a field. They had a good gallop round the Lambing Field a couple of times before we got them headed in the right direction.
Had to get the vet to a sick calf. He arrived with a gaggle of students,who gave him every cause under the sun,until he made his diagnosis (what we thought all along) A big jag of expensive drugs and will call tomorrow. (He needn't bother as it is now a deceased calf. Could it not have done that before he jagged it ? ) Will need to set one of the twins on to the cow tomorrow.
And a huge thank you to every one for all the comments and stars yesterday. I honestly didn't think so many folk were interested in what goes on here every day. The hard bit will be trying not to repeat things I've photographed already, as things tend to go in cycles in this job .

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