Skip's Blips

By Skip

Rainy evening

Three beautiful days with sunshine and warmer temps have been followed by a rainy evening. The temperature has dropped at least 10 degrees since the rain started, but I'm hoping it returns to sunny and warmer tomorrow. That little taste of real spring almost summer spoiled us! After the winter we experienced, it doesn't take much to delight and spoil us.

Today's backyard visitor is a white-crowned sparrow. My bird book says that they don't nest in Ohio and during spring and fall migration are usually seen in groups of up to 20. Today I saw only one outside my kitchen window, unless there was a larger group and they were taking turns posing.

Thanks for stopping by and for all the stars and comments on the beautiful bluebird I posted a few days ago. I haven't been a very good blipper lately...too much on my plate and not enough time to tend to all of it. Maybe I'll get caught up one of these days.

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