a return

By winterwren

bird 20

chipping sparrow
spizella passerina

you have been so patient, little one.  today is your day.  

quietly eating spilled seed under the feeder, you ask for little.  you defer kindly to other birds with larger personalities, yet are comfortable in their presence.  you blend in well with the fallen seeds and shells.  if not for your red cap, you might go unnoticed.  

what doesn't go unnoticed is your singing, mr. chipping sparrow.  (females do not sing.)  a "chipping" dry rattle, all of one pitch, fills the air these days.  sorting out your territories, getting the girls - i get it.  it's a nice song to hear.

you are beloved by many for your good looks and sweet demeanor.  i love you for your easy ways.  you make life seem simple.  there is a trust and acceptance in your approach to the world.  when i am feeling intimidated or deserving, i need to remember your philosophy.  mr. chipping sparrow - the world needs more creatures like you in it.  thank you for visiting today.

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