He Found The Scissors.....

...and gave himself a haircut...not that you can see it in this shot cause of the wind....but I have to say he did a really good job...in fact a much better job than I do on myself.

I was going to post a macro of some sea sponge but I liked this.....I think I will have to wean myself off of the boy slowly......I know there will come a day when he prefers to go to the beach with his mates rather than his Nanny.......until then you will have to expect a slathering of Flynn all over my journal...he really is my muse...with the added bonus discovering things with him that I never gave a second thought to before.........win win I guess.

“I am a tiny seashell
that has secretly drifted ashore
and carries the sound of the ocean
surging through its body.”
Edward Hirsch

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