Friday Foto

By drmackem



Today's blip photo from Benidorm is of my sisters daughter Anna. It's something of a luxury to saunter along to the beach late morning well slept and caffeinated, forgetting the long morning parents might have endured with a little one and play the role of currently favoured uncle.

We checked out the sea before embarking on major sandcastle construction for nearly 2 hours, her mum and dad were able to get a bit of time to themselves. She then came on all tired so I handed her back, had coffee with Mum then had a lazy lunch to myself sampling an array of food in my now favourite tapas bar in the world.

Anna later in the day whispered to me that Sunderland weren't any good and that she now supported Newcastle United, but not to tell her mum and dad, which presents me with a moral dilemma, which Shammie will appreciate, though I suspect not give me the best advice though will understand the team you support is a ultimately dilusional.

Party for the worlds best Mum tomorrow night.

For now Chilin in Benidorm

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