
By Mindseye

Spring greens

How different can two days be?! After a lovely day yesterday, a very grey and blustery one today.

I went over to see mum and sis, so left hub to his own devices, think he quite enjoyed some peace ;-) Typically, with all that's been going on, I missed mums dentist appointment today, I'd not checked my phone before I left home as I was rushing doing something for hub, and then I dropped him down in town as it was pouring with rain........first time I looked at my phone was 1.20 and there was my reminder, Mum Dentist 2pm! B***r!!! So now I need to rearrange all three of her appointments because today's was a longer visit than the other ones.........a job for tomorrow! On a positive note, youngests eyesight is back to his normal now.......next thing, new glasses :-)

Right, on to my blip, this shot is of our newest Japanese Acer, this will be its third summer. It's still in a big terracotta pot by the pond. I just love the bright green of the new leaves as they are opening out, against the dark red of the stems that attach them to the branches. They remind me of those paper fans we used to make as children, all concertinaed up! When they are fully open, the tree looks like an umbrella, so pretty! I hope this wind doesnt tear all those new leaves to shreds :-(

Second photography class tomorrow evening, we are meeting off site, at the Flash of all places...like I don't spend enough time there ;-)
Looking forward to it though. Hope this wind dies down a little before then!

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