Warm rain

12c and raining. Feels like summer already (we do not always have much warmer before july), but I am waiting for greener scenes...

The emergency shot is from the bus window, on my way home from Helsinki today.

In the evening I am heading to IKEA to buy some plates, forks, spoons and cups for our family party - thinking to give the items to our teens after their high school graduating parties. Something for them as they leave home.

Busy evening ahead, but I somehow like walking in IKEA as it is rainy day. Maybe the best thing here is that I have done the decision to buy the dish. Renting would be expensive too - about 100euros - the same prize I will pay for the dish now (counting that there will be another party after 2 years) :)

Thanks a lot for your kind comments yesterday - this far I have searched Karin from the Facebook (oh, there is plenty Karins!)...


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