Muddy Adventures!

By TheFarmersWife

Have your cake and eat it.....

Apologies for last nights late night blip! Got in at 3am and this morning not only my head hurt but my thighs! Do not jump to conclusions! we played the cornflake box game.
1.Take an empty cereal box
2.Place in the middle of the room
3.Get inebriated persons to take turns picking up said box with your teeth, using no hands and keeping knees off the floor
4.Then tear a strip of the box and start again
5.Eliminating contestants as you go

We ended up with just two of us left in, and the box reduced to a piece of flat card on the floor. But when we could still do that we had to pick up a grain of rice!!! I managed it but do did my opposition. We shook hands and it was a draw.
By goodness my legs hurt today though!!!

Today I had to make a cake for the Great Village Bake Off. This is my union jack Victoria sponge. It's a bit flat. I blame the alcohol fumes rolling off me from last night!

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