The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Who's going to pay for the party?

Excuse me if you find this the most boring blip in the world. Feel free to walk on by.

In truth, the subject of flaky election promises about childcare have been on my mind a great deal lately. Hence my buying a copy of Nursery world after work today, sitting down and reading it for 'a few minutes', before getting on with the tea. As we sat down to watch, I was surprised to find that the tv programmes I'd thought were about to start were in fact ending! Somehow it was nine o'clock instead of eight. Imagine what fun it could be if I had a tardis, not just a poor sense of the passage of time while reading!

As one of the letters in the magazine points out, no one has mentioned how nurseries and childminders are going to be able to quickly double the number of places offered to three and four year olds, or two-year-olds if the Lib Dems are involved. Truly, that is the largest elephant in the room.

Talking of children, as we were, I heard a hilarious boast today:

Child A (to me) : ""I did a wee!"
Child B (to child A): "Well, I did a wee before you!"

Congratulations, children! We'll make politicians of you yet.

And so to bed, and later, the polling station....

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