
By CharlotteJ


Another hectic day in the Charlotte  household!  Day started at 6am with another (this is the third time) treadmill man looking at what the problem with my treadmill (I don’t use it often but it is handy for bad weather / circuit training (I have a spin bike too)).  He has to come back as he didn’t have the right part!

At 8:30 the locksmith man arrived to put new locks on our doors.    The locksmith visited yesterday (long story) and showed me how easy, due to us having an old front door with the letter box right by the lock and key, to open my door by getting his whole arm through the letterbox!!  He was a big guy too, so seeing his arm come though the letterbox did freak me slightly and even more so when I tried it!!  So anyway, locksmith man arrived and created one hell of a mess.  He told me he would be two hours (he was doing other doors too), which fitted in fine with me as I had a 1pm meeting and needed to leave at 12:30.  I ended up herding him out of the door at 12:30!!  He spent so much time on the phone to goodness knows who that he started to get behind and certainly didn’t have enough time to clear up after himself!!  And why do workmen insist on having a huge big music box thingy and playing horrendous music at full blast?? (I was trying to work!)  I didn’t offer a second cup of tea!!

Anyway, John Lewis called to apologise for the treadmill issues and are sending me a £20 gift voucher (fab I need some new knicknacs!).  I made my meeting on time!  No time for pics, so you have this!!


Happy Thursday

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