Bad day.

Day started badly and continued badly.

E woke up crying and crying. I guess the antibiotics for the ear infection haven't kicked in yet. I was therefore late for work as she needed a nap and some calpol before we even started for the day.

I then was called home at lunch time as she was no better. Felt awful about this as it is busy at work and I missed last Thursday because of F2.

I finally admitted to my boss that I am not coping with the juggling with home/work at the moment. Her response was to ask if the Husband could stay home instead, as I am part time, it is rather disruptive. I have never in the ten years that I have worked there been made to feel so small and angry. She has no concept of the fine line working mums walk. Added to that, the Husband is fixed term and has to apply for his own funding or else he is unemployed in July. Deadlines are tomorrow. Stressed is not the word.

I have taken tomorrow off as I can't face work and it is unlikely that E will be 100%.


Ps pic is bits of Apple not anything nasty....

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