
By cowgirl

Not a pregnant horse!

I noticed the two pregnant mares were looking particularly rotund now ( due in about 3 weeks ) and ear marked them for blipping today. When I finished work, I took my camera over to their paddock, but they were too far away. They don't know me and so weren't in the slightest bit interested in coming over.

However, I noticed a cat sitting in there with them. On second glance, I realised it was Helen's cat, Tipps. She too recognised me when I called her, so came over for a little chat. I considered taking her back home, but decided she'd found her way there so would go home when she was good and ready. She's a right little hunter, so I hope the baby bunnies that are hopping about the stables are alert!

Popped to the farm for a couple of hours of entertainment with Rachel and the kids.

Sav came home for a couple of days.

Oh yes, and there's a little thing going on today, a general election, so we voted, if for no other reason than it gives us a right to rant about what happens here over the next four or five years!

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