Time for Aquilegias

But no time for gardening today. The allotment association had invited local politicians to visit the area. After the 'tour of the area' the group came to our wee house where M had prepared coffee/tea, currant cheesecake and rhubarb/strawberry pie. Yummy!

Later on Nils-Erik Landell gave a small excursion on the theme 'plants and cultural history'. He is a well-known author of 40-something popular science books mostly on the Stockholm area from a natural and cultural history perspective. It was really a great excursion and afterwards we had a lovely chat with Nils-Erik over a cup of coffee and another piece of cake/pie (or two...).

Another 18 mm of rain had been falling since yesterday, but luckily we didn't get any rain during the excursion.

One Year Ago: Cypripedium kentuckiense


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