Thursdays are my days for going to the Frome Country Market at the Cheese & Grain, where I sell cards of my photographs. Today's market was ... different! The hall had been turned into a polling station, so we'd been 'voted out', as it were.

We were told we were going to have tables in the entrance lobby with lots of passing voters, but we ended up on tables in a corner of the cafe, which is the next area into the building. Beyond the cafe is the main hall where we normally are and which was the polling station - but voters were being sent in there via a side door and so they didn't come anywhere near us on their way in! Most came out via the cafe but voting was very slow this morning. I took under £20 but even so that made me top craft seller this week! Still, I got chatting to a few people who hadn't been before and handed out a few flyers. Hopefully we may see some new customers next week.

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