Dancing in the Sun.

I do love my extension tubes. I had a quick play this morning with them as I knew I wouldn't have much bliptime today. I have to finish off a painting   ready for framing for a friend this weekend so I have allotted today and tomorrow for it. I am off to the football in a few minutes so hope this uploads quickly!
I am glad we are not hay fever sufferers - everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) is covered in a thick coating of yellow pollen - the car, the windows, the washing, my camera. Even my little ladybird from yesterday is sporting a few spots. I took a photo of a strawberry flower and there was airborne pollen in the background. Pity the flower wasn't in focus. I might add some more photos to extras when we get home. 
So this dandelion sunning itself is for Flowerfriday by BikerBear and maymacromayhem by Walking Wombat. It is SOOC, love my extension tubes.
Brother-in-law is greatly improved and our friend is out of danger. Good times ahead.

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