A day out with Mr K, his Mother, and Alfred Dog...

In Schwerin, in the east of Germany.  Since the reunification of Germany, many of the buildings have been extensively renovated, not least the Palace in the background.  There were lots of wedding parties around the grounds and surrounding lakes and it's obviously a very popular wedding venue.  
I climbed up the cathedral bell tower (the others waited in the square below) to get this viewpoint and it was a very (really very!) narrow old spiral staircase, which led to the bells, then to another staircase going even higher to a viewing area going right round the tower.  As I stood a few feet from the actual church bells, they started ringing.  I jumped out of my skin!  It was such a shock!!! Coming after climbing 250 steep steps, it's a good job I don't have a weak heart! :-)
Anyway, this is the view and it was worth it! :-)
We had a lovely day, and nice food and are now at home again.  I'm going to have a relaxing bath now... :-)

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