Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Crazy Collie Line up

Shut the gate, turn around to find this lot looking at you!! From front to back Duke, Breagh, Pip, Bud and Cuillin. Got quite a few jobs done today including finishing decorating the bathroom. I did start it a year ago as the new shower was put in at lambing time last year. I put a bit of paint on the main walls then left it. So today I painted the bath surround, door, door frame and window recess. Looks a lot better now.

11c 8mph E sunny until about 3pm when it became overcast.

A wee extra photo of the Sea Eagle passing through. I am not keen on these birds they have been reintroduced here and seem to be messing with the equilibrium that was here before. I could say more but I'd just be ranting. They do bring fear to me when I see them pausing and looking over my ewes and lambs.

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