Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

No time to waste

Yellow warblers ... I've described them as flying lemons due to their bright color.  The males sing a lovely, exuberant song when they arrive at their summer breeding grounds each year.  Their song fills the air, as they zip around.  There is one trail near where I live that always attracts a large number of nesting yellow warblers - a place I love to walk, especially at this time of year.  These tiny migrants only arrived here about 10 days ago, and yet already the females are hard at work building their nests.  I watched this female gathering nesting material while her mate sang and chased other males away.  As soon as they've reared their young (which both parents do) they will start their southward migration - one of our earliest warblers to arrive and the first to leave.  I plan to enjoy them while they are here.

I had a nice 2.5 mile walk this morning - counted 37 species of birds and saw several huge snapping turtles doing the wild thing...let me tell you, seeing snappers mate is a bit daunting!  I also saw a Canada Goose on a nest ... right at the edge of one of the ponds with snappers.  That doesn't bode well for the likelihood of any of her babies surviving since snappers like goslings...for a snack.  

Four other pics from today starting HERE on Flickr

I think a second female hummer has arrived - seems like I'me seeing a female nearly every time I look out at the feeders.  That promises an excellent summer!

The Tale of Two Kitties...another quiet night although this morning we had a bit of hissing.  What is happening now is that Charlie is trying to exert a bit more dominance - he will get very close to Phoebe and just stare at her which makes Phoebe hiss, which makes Charlie growl...well, you get the idea.  A bit like refereeing kids on a playground I suppose - if both kids are bullies!  

Kura and Peg are arriving shortly - I've got Prosecco chilling and some nice brie to snack on.  Later, we'll have dinner at a casual little Italian place down the road.  Nothing fancy, but it's about the company more than the food.

Happy Friday, people. 

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