The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A vile day in so many ways.

Should blipfoto be a politics free zone? No way José. I am sickened not only by the Tories winning, but also how well bloody UKIP did. I hate it and I fear for the future, for the people and the wildlife of this country.

Mum wasn't up when the alarm went off which is always a bad sign. Sure enough - she was very slow, couldn't understand a word I said to her ..  required a shower ..

She makes me laugh though - after breakfast I said to her that she seemed a bit perkier - 'Wasn't I perky'?' she asked. 'No mum - you weren't a happy bunny at all, earlier'. 'Oh' said she 'I'm much bunnier now'!! 

Then on to chores.

You know how sometimes you put things off for ages and when you finally get down to tackling it you realise it's very straightforward and you were making a fuss about nothing?

If only that were always the case. I've been putting off arranging camera and travel insurance for ages. I decided to tackle the camera stuff first ..  it took a long time - tracking down the serial numbers of everything and the replacement costs ..  I didn't shop around as a friend had recommended a particular company - so £142 later it was done.

Next - travel insurance. I decided to try the AA as I already use them for vehicle recovery ..  20% cheaper if you do it online .. but I wasn't allowed to because of the answers I gave. So I rang them. After answering all the questions I was told that my medical condition (???) meant my insurance would be £199 EXTRA - therefore £265 in all - for two flipping weeks in Canada!

I tried another company ...  the problem is I was diagnosed with and treated for breast cancer in 2009. I'm fine, thank you for asking, all is perfectly well.

And the ridiculous bit of it is that until a couple of years ago, post breast cancer patients were given Tamoxifen for five years. Then research showed that 10 years was more effective so the good old NHS (how long will THAT last now) decided to go with 8 years.

So I have to answer 'Yes' to the question 'Are you receiving treatment for cancer'  ...  if I stopped taking the Tamoxifen I could answer 'No' and my insurance would be less. Spot the flaw in that logic.

By then I'd had enough I went out in the van for an hour or so. My phone rang while I was out - it was Lifeline - mum had rung to ask them what time the wedding was. What? Oh well - I headed home, wondering what state she'd be in ..  she was absolutely fine and there was no mention of the mystery wedding.

I should change my journal title to The Daily Whinge - sorry chaps.

In the morning I went to the back of the garden and saw The Little Terror feeding her cubs behind next door's garage. When she saw me she took the cubs behind the hedge - and they peeped out at me ..

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