Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


Fiona Lander and Paul Mason are a very talented duo singing and playing a wide variety of songs. They use folk songs, but usually put their own distinctive mark on them.

Julie, Maureen and I went to hear them in the Little Angel Cafe at Hexham's Queens Hall this evening. Other friends and acquaintances of ours were there too.

The reason Fiona is holding an umbrella is because Paul's song was about being stood up in the rain.

This morning I drove to Newcastle for a physio appointment. Aggie was deeply unimpressed with all the massage and messing about. We managed a supermarket shop before entertaining on Sunday and before I go off to Hemel Hempstead for a few days next week. (All will be revealed.)

Susan, the travelling barber, wants to thank you for all your kind comments yesterday.

PS This image might be good in colour but the stage lights were cyan and magenta. It was beyond me to sort that out before I collapse into bed!

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