The alternative life of a geography teacher
Having fallen asleep on the sofa somewhere around I don't know and woken at 6 I took myself to bed and slept 'til sometime just before 10 and then pottered around some. Catching up, checking email, groaning. Thinking "what the fuck" again. The nation has spoken and said, "I've got a job and interest rates are low so it's not what I'd call austerity. I'm voting Tory" and "I don't know what it means but who wouldn't want full fiscal autonomy. Besides, Nicola's one of us. Bring it on."
Pottering was done. Bike was prepared and flapjack was made for Sunday. Then off to the big city to catch up with the old boss, which was grand and then some blip types - the old one, the bald one, the other bald one and the intimidating one. And then I had to run away and catch a fish supper before the train.
I can confirm that the Canon EOS-M reacts well to being dropped about 6 feet onto the floor.
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