my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

showroom #10


Spotted some destruction at the showroom so took advantage for a wee peek through.

Today was dominated by a phone call just before lunch to tell me that Dexter had another allergic reaction at nursery and they think someone should go up and get him. Normally when he has reactions at nursery, they just leave a message or write an email to say they had to give his medicine, but this was worse than usual and they were all a bit freaked out. I pretty much dropped everything and ran up the hill to the nursery and managed to get there in almost half the time it normally takes me!
Although his face was clearly still showing the effects of having all swollen up, he was playing away quite the thing as if nothing had happened.  I hung out with him for a wee bit before we all decided that he would be best off staying at nursery as he was so happy.
So back to work I went and had the most almighty adrenaline dump as I sat down to eat my lunch. Totally wiped.  Fortunately, work was fairly straightforward from that point on.

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