Foxy Lady


A few weeks ago I went to a seminar about the use of social media in business. Now as some of you know, all I use my Facebook account for is to share my life on Blipfoto with a few friends, family and two dogs!

So, today it was my turn for some one-to-one tuition and advice. I have come away with homework to do on Google+ and Facebook, then I will have to see what I can do with my Linkedin and Twitter accounts! I'll let you know how I get on. Then it's onto building a new website and blogging.

When I got home Ali wasn't looking to fit. She likes to drink from the bath tap but I had to lift her in. She finished drinking and looked at me waiting to be helped out. She seemed OK later, thankfully!

"You know you're a cute little heart-breaker" - Hendrix

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