My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Race for LAM

We went to cheer on my brother and his wife today as they ran 10K to support their good friend who suffers with this dreadful disease and who organised a Race for LAM.

LAM (Lymphangioleiomyomatosis) is a rare lung disease that occurs almost exclusively in women. For every million women, approximately 7 will have LAM. Approximately 200 women in the United Kingdom have LAM and around 10 new cases are diagnosed each year. It appears to occur worldwide and to be equally rare in other countries.

LAM predominantly affects the lungs, where it causes excessive growth of smooth muscle cells which progressively destroy lung tissue and erode lung function. Although research is ongoing, currently there is no cure for LAM and effective treatment is limited. For some women with LAM lung transplantation is their only means of survival.

Update: 13th May 2015
Louise told her story in the a Daily Mail to raise awareness of LAM.

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