Darkness into Light

The banners carry the names of some of the people who have fallen to the scourge of suicide. There are messages of love and pain attached to their names. You never know when this will come to your door. Amongst the crowd were men, women and children who have suffered and bear the scars of the passing of a loved one.

Over two thousand people came down to show their support and walk the road with them. Nothing can eradicate the pain but it is good to see that they are not alone in the battle against suicide. You have to admire them; many have taken it upon themselves to see that no other family have to suffer what they have gone through.

Pieta House  organised the event and offer support to anyone who may find themselves in difficulties.

Pieta House Ballyfermot
Canon Troy House
Chapelizod Hill Road, Ballyfermot
Dublin 10
Phone: 01-6235606
Admin Manager: Mary Maloney

Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9am to 9pm
Saturday: 9am to 3pm
Sunday: 9am to 2pm

This blip is dedicated to Bryan

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