Last rays..

One of those days that makes you glad to be alive.. Bright sunshine, blue skies, and nearly a "shorts" day!!..

Went down the village and removed the Party labels from the lamp-posts, chatted with A and R. R wants me to do some ploughing on his croft. Shouldn't take long..

Went down to the lodge with eggs for G & P, and had a look around the garden. The rhubarb I split for him last year is growing well, and once established, the main plant can come out.. G's got some horseradish to split up as well. Dug out the wasp nest that was in one of the borders last summer. Nothing left of it, but quite a large hole in the border. I only dug it up to prove to G that it was now safe to work there. He thought the nest would still be active.

Back home, and down the croft with 10 trays of brassicas to plant. G (my G!) knocks the plants out of the pot, while I plant them. God teamwork! So that was 150 or so plants, cabbage, brussels, calabrese and broccoli. AND I'VE COVERED THEM WITH FLEECE!.

Nice walk on the beach after, with Tanni going in for a swim.

Just took her out after tea, and she was quite happy posing while I took a few pictures. Was quite difficult to keep my shadow out of the picture.

Forcast is wet now to Tuesday, and again at the end of the week.. Rian will do the new plants good. Not sure if the earlier planted brassicas will survive after being grazed by geese (quite sure of that now)..

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