Ice Cream!

We spent a couple of hours in one of our favourite places, the open air museum Old Linköping, and the forest and grounds around it. It was a beautiful Saturday. All the small shops were open, people dressed up in old time clothes walked the streets and the ice cream parlour was due to open later in the day.

We went for a forest walkie in the general direction of the other end of the museum area, where there is a stable with horses, goats and rabbits for children, old houses and a train musuem. They also had a train on wheels, taking visitors around the grounds. Let's just say it was not for me.

After a small detour to find a geocache, we returned to the ice cream parlour, and it was Open!!! The issue of me having to wait outside solved itself, as a very nice young lady, who had a dog herself, offered to hold me while mum was inside. At last, I got my ice cream - soft, fluffy, sweet and wonderful! I am so happy!

The extra photo is a traditional Swedish "kolonistuga", a tiny cottage on a small piece of land where city people could grow their own food.

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