
Spent some more time with the macro tubes and learned a lot more today. This time I stuck to the shorter tube but I also changed lenses to the Sigma f2.8 30mm prime (60mm ff eq.). The Sigma has an inherently closer focusing capability than the M.Zuiko 45mm and so I found I was able to get a not dissimilar final magnification to yesterday while retaining a more manageable depth of field. I was also more able to use the combination freehanded - given that I could open the lens a little more for better shutter speeds.

Anyway the accent moved to fruit on this occasion. I have posted a couple of extras, if you are interested. The devil got to me at one stage and so I pumped up the colours and contrast. Sanity will resume for MonoMonday tomorrow.

Usual story. I reckon this looks much better LARGE.

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