Get me! I've got another princess on my boat! We'd gone down to have a wee potter about and found out that today was the Commodore's Regatta! Well, that sounded prestigious enough, so we threw our sou'westers in the ring and off we set 'round the cans' in Wardie Bay. Obviously, we were never going to be fast, but with a high handicap, I had hopes we might not come last overall. I tell you, it was a thrilling event. Well, I think young Rosie enjoyed it. And her faither was a star, going for'ard and polling out the genny with the boathook on the downwind leg. Arg, shipmates! Pole it out there!
And we didn't come last! Though, strictly speaking we weren't placed as we only did one lap. I think it's a lap. There's probably an obscure nautical name for it. Not a circuit. Maybe a circumvolution?
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