one species a day

By linnaeus

One species each day (from my backyard)

I had already published one stick insect species here, but this is a different species: Argosarchus spiniger. Stick insects often fall out of the trees in wet, windy weather and I often find them seeking shelter close to the house. I found this one sitting on one of the cars after a few cold, wet and windy days and took it inside because outside it would soon freeze to death (not knowing that the mild weather would continue for so long). I cut a Pittosporum branch and put it in a vase for her, but the next day she had disappeared. A few days later I saw her on the curtain track upstairs and the day after on the curtains when I wanted to close them. I put her back on the Pittosporum, but added a branch of Rohutu and now she seems to feel quite at home. She has stayed on her branch for  a few days and nights now, eats the leaves and drops white eggs. She was quite happy to pose for a portrait which show that even her eyes have camouflage colours. The portrait was taking in natural sunlight, using a tripod and I explored the mirror-up function to reduce camera shake. The hardest part was to line her up parallel to the camera sensor so her long body would be in focus from top to toe.

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