
Well what a week!! I had to go to hospital on wed night as I had some bleeding, i was kept in overnight. Got out Thursday evening and decided to not to go on my London trip that I was looking forward too. Wisdom kicked in and thought it best to spend the weekend resting.
Friday Herbie's cold worsened, well his breathing did, so picked him up from nursery and took him to docs. She declared he may have pneumonia , so sent us back off to hospital.
We ended up staying in for nearly 24 hours for monitoring, checking oxygen levels which were low, but all well in the end.
He was so, so good in hospital and by the next day when the doctor came to listen to his chest, he was lifting up his own top.
He remained calmer than Mummy and daddy who had had enough by lunch time next day and just wanted to get herbie home. Still as long as he was well, we were happy.
I'm quite accustomed to hospitals now!!

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