Sunny in the park

He wasn't really frowny, I think it was an effort to keep the sun out of his eyes. Although he did declare himself bored in the park where all his friends were, mainly because they were playing football I think, not his favoured activity.

Surprisingly large portions of child free times today, Will was at a party for hours and Daisy wandering round town with her friends. I spent the time wisely - doing the bare minimum supermarket shopping and housework while  assigning laundry tasks to Jay. Then a nice bit of sitting and reading the Saturday's papers, generally depressing post-election analysis.

Another Norfolk couple of days this week coming up. But not tomorrow. Tomorrow i get to take Will the the hospital dentist and argue with the garage about the bits falling off my car scant hours after they serviced it. And do all the work i didn't do last week. Bring it on, only 2 weeks before a couple of days off :)

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