
By grannygrant

Quality testing

This is ivy making blueberry muffins.
We made these together this afternoon with frozen blueberries. Ivy tried one straight from the freezer and evidently loved it because she was shovelling them into her mouth without even looking at the tub! She was covered in blue/black juice , all over her face and hands. She is looking relatively clean here because the cake batter she is polishing of has removed most of the colour. A quick wipe with granny's special face cloth and she was back to her adorable self again.
She has , according to her mother, been testing granny to see what her limits are about behaviour. She is a smart girl I've always said children know what to expectation from different people and act accordingly. I have been given a " wrap" to use while I am here, so granny and ivy are good to go and not always via a cake shop!

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