Definitely Visible

By allieballie

Sweets for my sweet?

J announced a couple of weeks ago that he was going to become vegetarian. I spluttered and the words "Aye right" came flying out of my mouth. He was indignant at my response so I had to explain myself. "Most of your diet is based around chicken" I said. And so it was - in fact chicken was the only meat he ate. But he ate a lot of it. Pizza topped with spicy chicken or BBQ chicken; chicken fajitas; breaded chicken in any unnatural form; chicken filled ravioli, chicken korma. Difficult to see what he would survive on now apart from tomato pasta or eggs. Of course J insisted that it would be no problem. He could have pizza with vegetable toppings or plain marguerita. He would try vegetable korma and he would also try Quorn too.

"But you don't like vegetables" was my next line. J said that he did. He liked carrots and sweetcorn. He had tried green beans at school and liked them. And he would try other vegetables now that he was a vegetarian.

To be fair he has stuck to his decision. He has tried Quorn burgers and nuggets and liked them. He has not veered off Marguerita pizza. He had a vegetable korma takeaway last Friday which turned out to comprise mostly of cauliflower. His first meal out as a weaned baby was cauliflower soup in a cafe in Aviemore but I don't think he has even eaten cauliflower since. He gave the korma cauliflower a try - three tries in fact, before declaring that it made him gag. I quite like a Friday night being a curry night though so I decided to make him a korma myself and use Quorn pieces. However when I was in the supermarket I noticed that Morrison's own brand "chicken style pieces" were much cheaper so I bought those. This is them here. They look like bits of fudge or tablet. And smell like bits of fudge or tablet.
Boak! J liked them though!

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