A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

Mother's Day

As far as I can remember, I knew two things: I would write, and I would be a mother. It was that clear in my mind. I wasn't sure of anything else, and I still wonder about my career (that academic job that will likely never happen but felt like such an absolute not too long ago), my (non-existent) love-life and my (sometimes struggling) friendships.
I was lucky enough to be able to conceive and carry my boy to term. I am lucky every day to have with me this bundle of happiness, laughter, snuggles and craziness. Being a single mother is both harder and easier than I expected. And about ten thousands times better. And yes, it does change things, and yes, I may be way too happy for some people. But I am and I enjoy it every minute. Well. Almost, because sometimes, I do get tired!

Oh, and he says maman now!

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