Journey Through Time

By Sue

Pretty Little Rose

One of our neighbors sold their house and is moving and this little rose is in their yard.  The shrub itself is barely hanging on, as no one has properly tended to it in years, but when it puts out it's little flowers, they are the sweetest things.  Such a lovely, delicate color and I think it is very pretty. I should have asked if I could have this bush, but it's too late now.  Maybe the new owners will tend to it.  Edit:  I changed the photo to this one.  The one I want comes out black and white and not in color, and the other images were a bit out of focus.  This is the only other image left to post.  In my photo library, the image that I like is in color, but when I post it, it comes out in mono.  I'd done that to see what it looks like, and I guess it just wants to stay that way.  Very weird.  I need a new computer!  ha

A very quiet Mother's Day for me, since we did our family thing yesterday.  I didn't go anywhere as the car has a problem and should not be driven, except to the mechanics in the morning.  I hope we can get it in, anyway.  I had to cancel my plans with my aunt for the day. It's something to do with the oil pressure, we think.  Oh joy.

I saw the sapsucker today, but it's sure difficult for me to get a decent photo of the darn thing.  He was enjoying a bath in the bird bath.  

After several glorious summer like days, cooler and wetter weather returns for awhile.  The rain is desperately needed, so I don't mind.  It should be done by the end of the week.  Our son is on vacation, so we might all take a road trip to Corvallis to see my people down there.  

Hope everything is coming up roses for you and yours.

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