In the pink
TallGirl went over to the sheep/pony farm again today and was delighted to be a sheep wrangler! In a western saddle as well! She could hardly have smiled more. Long chat with CheeseLady, some horse whisperer stuff with their new Arab (beautiful horse) and home for a late lunch.
Then a fairly leisurely afternoon (not like the morning had been particularly strenuous for me) with some tomato repotting (I seem to have 48 yellow pear cherry tomato plants - maybe less, but some slightly inconclusive labelling by TallGirl when they were pricked out leaves me wondering what they are...) Later baking (lemon polenta cake, pork in pastry) and telly.
And CarbBoy learned a little about "Getting to Yes". (He did, in the end, get the free app he wanted. TallGirl's books, however, have still not been ordered. I wonder when she will stop thinking I am spoiling CarbBoy, and start linking my unequal parenting with the unequal numbers of things crossed off on their to-do lists...)
Long facetime with Mr B the last three nights. And despite my current swearing at (not by) iTunes, I love Apple again. (Though to be honest, and I'm just quibbling here, it would be nice if it worked when he called us, rather than us having to call him.)
TallGirl finally handed over the essay on the rainforest I had asked her to do in an English lesson, but was somewhat dispirited that there were four errors just in the title - which I had written out (correctly) for her. I tried to be kinder with the rest of it! Most of her problems in English are either common ones (its / it's) or French-inspired spelling (gouvernment). I figure most of the time auto-correct on the computer will sort this kind of stuff out. She didn't answer the question, as it happens, but does get marks for using the trick her Dad taught her, that if you don't know enough to answer the question, reframe the question in your first paragraph and then answer that one!
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