Christie's journal

By ChristieAnneD


This is Casper in deep thought. While in deep thought, Eddie was sorting out the new fish we brought today! Mines called Lady Delilah Delfigalo. What a name! The rest consist of Svengali, and Lance Corporal Buin.

The best thing about today was the 20 minute set up of the play station 2. Basically.. Ive started to be a good girlfriend by allowing a bit of play station 3 time for Eddie and decided that the game he was playing looked pretty ok so I had a go. Eddie compared it to grand theft auto kinda, which was my favouriiite ps2 game of. All. Time. So i started to go on and on about the game. I assume Eddie felt obliged to do whatever he could to find all of the old play station 2, games, memory cards and wires so I could play my beloved GTA! He spent a good 20 minutes doing this and I could see he was getting frustrated as we had to move everything just to accommodate this little box tv and an old console. He really loves me!

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