The Ferg

By fergie

Slough of Despond 2

It was not hard to avoid Jubilee mania today as to be honest its a bit limp up here. I drove the long way to Aberdeen to collect my daughters belongings , apart from some half hearted bunting I saw a vintage tractor parade outside Dufftown. I stopped at Auchmair farm on the Cabrach to snap these gates again I am taken by the image and the appropriateness of the message to the place (and I am not talking about the religious connotations.) The light and sky was super so took lots of pics of deserted buildings and the Buck, tried chasing buzzards and kestrels to no avail. I Aberdeen I purchased a Giotto Rocket cleaner for my camera and found a guy lying sprawled out on the pavement with people passing over him. I stopped to check he was OK , he did not respond to my voice but was breathing , he was smelling strongly of drink and I went looking for a Policeman but failed. He was in a recovery position of sorts but I noticed nobody stopped they just stepped over the guy. The guy in the street up set me . I should have carried on looking for a Policeman but gave up after fifteen minutes(my phone was missing ) and ,maybe taking a pic was not the right thing to do but felt that maybe people should see this, but it annoyed me how indifferent people were, perhaps they see it every day, but even when I lived in the big city I always checked to see if someone lying on the ground was OK, even as on 0ne occasion some one lashed out I came back after fifteen minutes and I watched someone try to help him up.Went to the Maritime museum for a short visit and took some shots of figureheads and a marble bust . Loaded up the gear and headed back stopping to photograph some Aircraft at Aberdeen Airport . It is nice to have my daughter home.
Amazing how me her and her mum and ll belongings went down in the same car but on the way back there was only room for me, and she got the train back. Hope everyone is having a great weekend :)

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