Home made.

This is the first bunch of flowers I have picked from the garden this year. I'm so happy spring has sprung and I'm enjoying the garden more and more. Still lots to do despite this being our 4 th year here. I think it takes a while to make a garden your own.

Its still I bit of a pickle as Mr W is still in the throws of replacing 5 fence panels. He's so methodical and such a perfectionist that its made him take over a bit. What used to be my little haven of peace and nature, being able to do what I want where I want, has now been taken over by piles of wood, everything painted brown to with in an Inch of its life and having to wait my turn in painting the wendy house I bought weeks ago. He's wanting the plants to be ripped out along the fence bed so he can work easily and has even started telling me what plants I can't buy. I'm feeling a bit fed up with it when we should just be enjoying it together but I don't want to lose control of my little pace of tranquility.

The rest of our garden furniture arrives tomorrow. Let's hope we can sit out and enjoy the view very soon with out hearing lists of things that still needed doing. Things we don't agree on!!!!!!

I think in just feeling a bit grumpy today! I'll buck up by tomorrow! !

and it's 6 years ago today since I seperated from my previous husband (spell check just changed husband to head banger!!) If only I knew what lay ahead. Isn't it about time I forgot about those anniversaries? Maybe that's why I'm grumpy!

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