
By Cigs

Ratcliffe Terrace

Whilst I've been skiving off in the hills and glens of Aberdeenshire, the CIgscouts have been putting in a shift.

Particularly rjevans6 (or RJ to his mates). After Arthur's Seat last night, I took a windy route home via the Soothside. There's a plethora of maroon ones (presumably in honour of local footballing leg ends 'the Hearts' having secured a piece of silverware recently. (No, not the Petrofrac Cup..). Mostly on Westcrosscauseway - snappy tittle, snappy street. And one just around the corner on Buccleuch Street. I think an Arclight / lunchtime wander might be in order soon.

But the one I was after was at the bottom of Ratcliffe Terrace just before the lights; a recent collaboration with Deli alter ego / sidekick* Dime. Notable for his tags that have a cigarette in them (usually). So it seems fitting that Cigs and Dime have done a tasteful duet.

Black paint on sandstone wall (which I thought would have been too porous, but what do I know?) Dated 15. A double double underline combo here. And it looks like Cigs was stretching to get the top billing and fucked up the 'i' a little bit.

*Delete as appropriate

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