Dare Mighty Things

By dcomp

Aren't photos brilliant...

I feel I am sort of cheating with my blipfoto catch up at the moment.

I have been absent for a while only making sporadic entries. This hasn't been for any other reason than life just takes over and other things take priority. That's exactly how it should be.

However, I am back on the case for a while and having had to trawl through all of my photos for various reasons over the last couple of weeks, have found a couple of gems in the back catalogue which I wanted to publish. I joined Instagram some time ago however it sat unused. In the last week or so I have picked this up properly and I'm using that as a means to get some of the photos I've taken out faster than just one per day. I don't for a second profess to be a great photographer, however I do have a couple of brilliant photos. Those of you on Instagram will understand the feeling you get when someone who, their profile shows, is a truly brilliant photographer, acknowledges one of your pictures. I have had this a couple of times in the last week and in some ways it makes me want to run out and spend thousands of pounds on the greatest equipment money can buy. However, good equipment does not a good photographer make! For all that I have a half decent "proper" camera, it largely stays on automatic settings. This summer, I plan to learn how to actually use it!

I also have an iPhone 6 Plus. The camera on this, considering it is buried in a device, is quite remarkable.

My photo today was not taken today, but actually in December on an iPhone 5s.

Looking through my photo history, it appears I have a fascination with sunrise, sunset, beach and shoreline photos. In fact, anything that involves the sea and the sun seems to get snapped! I should perhaps turn my attention elsewhere but when nature presents us with such marvels morning noon and night, it is hard to see the necessity.

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