I Found the Answer to My Questions, In Your Eyes..
The field in which lives Moos, Horses, Goats, Sheep and Occasionally Hens, there have been additions.
I have squealed loudly each time I pass the field and yet each time I have been close, the new additions have been too far away to adore close up.
Tonight however,I struck gold.
Himself and I had been on a date - to the pictures. We go at odd times, so that I don't have to endure people. sadly tonight we timed it wrong - the place was full of weird men in anoraks; obviously using the same timing mechanism as me.
As we drove home, I spotted the babies were at the edge of the field, and so as he drove around the corner, I dived from the car screaming "I'll walk home, you get the chips".
I was in heaven as I bimbled up and down the edge of the field adoring this little baba moo. In fact, I adored all of the Moos. Everyone else was away for the night, and as the sun was setting the Moo's themselves were heading up to the farm, but whilst I had their attention I was in raptures.
I cared not a jot if passing drivers wondered why the coatless woman in the howling gale was laughing and clapping by the fence.
I was in heaven :-)
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