free man 4 life

By Chaplin04


After a fu-filled first day,my heart was so excited for another day with the refugees,but
My body wasn't because after all the football,my body muscles were aching badly.
Had a long interview with a great missionary Scott Lencke,then had lunch in the park with the guys,then a sunbath (I was in the shade the whole time coz I'm too tanned).At the refugee camp,we did facewash,footwashing and other feminine stuff,then we started playing music and some of the refugees took it over and the rest of the afternoon became a music-filled noisy,crazy afternoon of fun (truly memorable)

So today's blip of the two reggae crazy guys who sang all afternoon tune after tune-it was beautiful to see refugees from all over the world coming together in song and fun-praise God for unity in muzik. Jah Rastafarai!

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