Just the Withers......

By JaneW

The serious business of being serious...

In sunglasses ...
Jake the grandson LOVES sunglasses.. I buy quite a lot of cheap sunglasses from primark shop at a £1 each to keep Jake satisfied he has enough glasses to keep the sun out of his clearly very delicate eyes ;-)
I've had a bit of a git of a day ...
I was due to collect Alice from her school for DDLC as DDLC had been FOOLISHLY left in charge of some year 5 school children in the middle of the woods with a COMPASS and map ... Oh my god WHAT HUMAN WOULD CONSIDER SUCH A THING ??
DDLC only reacts for self tan and make up .... Now if the teacher had armed her with a Lancôme hypnose mascara I feel certain they would not have got lost .. Which they did.
Anyway I got a shocking headache .. Collected Zoe to take her to get Jake ... Got back to my car after collection and THE HANDBRAKE BROKE !!!! Ooohhhhhh FOR THE LOVE OF PETE ...
Mr W is summoned from his golf tournament ... I then deliver Jake and Zoe home in Mr W car ....
I was late collecting Eve from the bus,she all but accused me of having her sold in to slavery as I was 3 minutes late ...
Then snowball white rabbit bit Lucy ...

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