House Guest

5years 202days 

Today we got a lovely delivery from our neighbour - on Saturday he had taken delivery of Blipbear and Kiwi!! Katie was soooo excited and had a wonderful time before school going through their treasures and the notebooks, looking on the geocache site and introducing them to her friends. It has been 3years (almost to the day) since he was last with us. He's gained more badges, looks aged and has united with Kiwi! 

She was super excited for school as she was taking in her medal and the little essay she had written about the day. The teacher read it out to her class mates & she got to show her medal off. After school, we cycled into town where we took Blipbear for a ccino (Kiwi stayed home for a chat with Monkey). Blipbear was then taken to Rainbows and now is an honorary member of her pack. He has a badge from them and everything. Kiwi has a trefoil badge now too. They are both very pleased with their new treasures and seem to be enjoying the adventures. 

At bedtime, they snuggled in their blanket on the bedside table, so she didn't lose any of the treasures. She is very happy to have them staying with her and is already planning adventures for them. 

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