Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

I Don't Know/Confused/Unclear

I don't know where I am going with my life now. When I was ill I knew where I wanted to be mentally and physically. I am now somewhere near it, I don't know what to do, what I am aiming for and now realising how crap my life is.
Counselling tonight, we spoke again about the court case that started all this off, and I was surprised at how I am still affected by it. I was in tears.
I got sent home with a book and told to read certain chapters; I'll take it to bed, it's not one for a coffee shop!

I headed to Granton Harbour tonight for a wander before my session. I turned as I got out the car and this scaffolding and the sun caught my eye. I'll leave the harbour for another day!

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